We know that supporting a child with an eating disorder can be incredibly challenging.
Even the “best” and most supportive parents are not expected to know what to do in every situation. Eating disorders are serious mental disorders that negatively impact health, emotions, and families as a whole.
One of the major barriers for family members in talking to their children about eating disorders or being there for them during the recovery process is the concern that maybe this is my fault. It is crucial to understand that eating disorders are bio-psycho-social disorders and there is no singular cause for the development of an eating disorder.
Once you have determined that there is an issue, helping your loved one identify, speak out about, and seek treatment for an eating disorder involves patience, education, and more often than not, the support of a team of professionals specifically qualified in the treatment of eating disorders. Read on below for some tips on how to begin navigating this process, and of course, reach out to us for additional support.

Helpful Tips for Parents
Remember that there is a new “part” of self or aspect of self that has ‘hijacked’ the old true self that you have always known.
This new part is often very terrorizing, sending extreme anxiety and fear that certain foods or amounts of food will make them fat. For this reason, the teen cannot “just eat”. It helps to think of a phobia, let’s say of spiders, and the family saying to the phobic individual…just put your hand in a bunch of spiders! Your teen has a temporary phobia of certain types or amounts of food. Compassion is the first essential ingredient. Patience is next.
Invest in the legitimacy of his/her experience.
You child needs to know that you will not try to take away her eating disorder. Attempting or demanding change could cause her to shut down.
Identify how what is happening makes YOU feel
It is helpful to use “I” statements instead of “You” statements. So, rather than say commenting on her behaviors, you could express concern it the following ways: “I’m feeling concerned that you are getting thin”, “I care about our relationship and I felt I needed to say something about my concern in order to save it”.
Added to compassion, next comes limit setting
Parents often are asked to help in any number of ways. It is best to have the treatment team meet with you and your child to negotiate for home support as every case is different. You may be asked to take away exercise or sit with your teen through a meal to ensure all of it is eaten. You may be asked to estimate calorie levels of a portioned food or insist on a supplement shake. Doing so in a calm, secure manner with as few words as possible is important. Often one parent tends to be very verbal, going on and on about why a food needs to be eaten, how hard it is for them as parents or making threats such as going to the hospital. Lots of words make your child more anxious! Just say, “I know this is hard. This is how it is going to be right now”. Then use distraction.
Distraction is a parenting skill we often use with young children
If they have to go to the doctor and get a shot, we don’t go on and on about why they need the shot and how it will be given. We generally change the subject, keep them distracted and keep the subject condensed. Your teen will often need distraction through playing a game (cards at a prolonged meal), watching a movie, when appropriate going for a walk or doing your nails together right after a meal or when they are feeling to full or if they are trying not to purge.
Be mindful of the language you use when talking about food and eating.
Avoid discussing or commenting on food. Rather express concern about underlying issues, for example, “you seem sad, not like yourself”.Never talk about diets, weight loss, “good foods versus bad foods,” fat or carbohydrate contents of foods, your own diet, other people’s weight or ANY thing about you or anyone that has anything to do with valuing thinness or fitness. It is critical that body image, anyone’s, NOT be discussed. (i.e. “Did you see how good aunt Karen looks now? Or poor Bill gained all that weight back”). Keep your own diet values to yourself such as ‘only organic is good’ or ‘we don’t eat saturated fats’ or ‘we follow a healthy diet’. Most eating disorders start out as a good thing gone too far with a child that cut out junk foods or carbs or fats or sugar and then became overwhelmed with nutrition fears.
Avoid blame on anything or anyone.
Including yourself! There are various contributing factors and precipitating events that may lead to the development of an eating disorder. Placing blame on certain people or situations is not productive in treating the disorder.
Keep in mind…the word “healthy” for many eating disordered individuals is NO LONGER HEALTHY.
In an attempt to get the ‘right body’, kids are now trying to ‘eat healthy’ and they are getting emotional illnesses (from other underlying stressors as well).
Often, teens are seeking quality attention.
Now that you are not nagging about food and weight, or really talking about it at all…find ways to connect to your teen. The best ways are non-verbal approaches. Teens often can’t stand being asked questions like, “How was school?” Instead…just read or listen to music somewhere near them, in the common living space. Or, if they are not too angry…ask if you can hang out in their room and bring a magazine in, or something neutral you can do while they are doing their own activities. Maybe they are on the computer and you are adding up figures from your check book. Eventually, they will often start talking about something. STAY POSITIVE. DO NOT LECTURE THEM. Seem interested in their music, even if you can’t stand it. Say nothing about their messy room. If they start talking RESIST GIVING ANY ADVISE or you will lose them. Just reflect back what you are hearing them say, with a comment like, “That is interesting” or “I never thought about it that way.”
Consider getting rid of full length mirrors and definitely all scales.
Sometimes we assign the family to cover up some mirrors with butcher paper with graffiti assignments.
Avoid pleading or demanding change.
No bribes or rewards. These are simply a diversion from developing an internal means of controlling her behaviors.
If there are two parents in the house, do your best to present a united front.
Do any arguing about managing your child away from him/her. It makes kids anxious (and their eating disorder worse) if they see that they are getting one parent to side with them. Some kids actually push to see if they can split the couple (this can be an unconscious testing). Stay united.
Let your child see you eating high calorie foods and desserts and enjoying them without any guilt
As parents, we need to model eventual normal eating. Enjoying food without guilt is a key element in normal eating.
Make sure your family and teen has down time.
As kids, teens even adults need to learn how to “BE” instead of just “DO”. Hanging around talking, playing music, making a craft casually, sipping tea and musing out a window, laying in a lounge chair are all excellent models of “being.”
Know that eating disorders are symptoms that carry many messages, asking for change.
In the end most families agree that much was learned from the experience, especially when each parent is open to learning more about themselves and open to change. As painful as they are, eating disorders can be an important transformer for all members of the family….
Use your treatment team!
Call to schedule extra help with parenting as needed. Leave specific questions on our voicemails. Try to follow the treatment team’s advise, even though it is difficult and your child might complain. Meet with us regularly to let us know how things are going.

march 2018
“The therapy team at Central Coast is such a great supportive and nonjudgmental family with the necessary skills to help my daughter more than we were able to. My daughter attended groups that helped her deal with many difficult issues related to her eating disorder: from cooking to exercise to how to have healthy friendships. Basically, how to deal with daily life.”
- Mother of Adolescent in Recovery

Need more guidance? We’re here for you.
Contact us today to find out more about how our programs may be able to support you and your child as you navigate the eating disorder treatment and recovery process.