Lucky Girl Syndrome: Positives & Negatives of the TikTok Trend


Written by CCTC Staff Writer

Is there such a thing as too much positive thinking? For Gen Z, ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ is a popular TikTok trend that is based on the idea that if you simply believe you are lucky, good things will happen to you. But many are wondering, is there any harm in this mentality? While a positive mindset is certainly not a bad thing, the idea of relying on ‘luck’ may have its drawbacks.

Read on to learn more about:

  • What Lucky Girl Syndrome is

  • Whether or not Lucky Girl Syndrome is really a ‘syndrome’

  • The benefits of this mentality 

  • The dangers of this mentality 

  • Alternatives to Lucky Girl Syndrome

  • Mental Health Recovery & Lucky Girl Syndrome 

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome? 

The "Lucky Girl Syndrome" has been making waves across the internet lately, specifically TikTok. This trend entices people with the idea that if you constantly affirm your good fortune to the universe, it will ultimately reward you with desirable outcomes such as a job promotion, marriage proposal, or increased salary, among others. This trend has gained popularity due to the belief that the universe operates on a law of attraction principle - where positive thoughts attract positive events. While many people have reported success in practicing this ideology, it is crucial to note that random chance and personal efforts also play a significant role in determining one's success.

Is Lucky Girl Syndrome really a ‘syndrome’? 

First things first, you may be wondering is there really a condition or syndrome called ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome?’ Can this be diagnosed by a professional? No, Lucky Girl Syndrome is a casual phrase referring to this social media trend, it is not a real syndrome but rather a state of mind and outlook one may adopt. 

Does believing you are lucky really work? Is Lucky Girl Syndrome the same as manifesting? 

Every day, we are all faced with decisions, ideas and changes that can change the course of our day, week, year or life. Can we really change the outcomes ahead of us simply by thinking we can? Some say yes. Similar to manifesting, the ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ is the idea that our thoughts and emotions can have a powerful influence on the world around us. Manifesting is based on the principle that we have the ability to attract what we want in life by focusing our thoughts and energy on it. 

At its core, manifesting is about setting specific intentions and taking action to make those intentions a reality. This can involve things such as creating a vision board, practicing positive thoughts, and visualizing yourself achieving your goals. It also requires a deep level of trust in the universe or a higher power to bring about the desired outcome.

While there is no scientific proof that manifesting works, many people swear by its effectiveness. They report feeling more optimistic, focused, and motivated after practicing manifesting techniques. And while not every intention may come to fruition, the process of manifesting can help clarify goals and how to take steps towards achieving them.

Overall, the concept of manifesting has gained popularity in recent years as more people look for ways to improve their lives and find greater meaning and purpose. 

What are the benefits of the Lucky Girl Syndrome mentality? 

Positive thinking and striving for a positive outlook on things can have some benefits. For some, telling themselves things will work out or that good things will happen, can ultimately help them look at the ‘brighter side’ of things. It may relieve negative thoughts and feelings of anxiety. While it may not be actual luck, this mentality may boost feelings of motivation, confidence and self-esteem. 

Ultimately, embracing the concept of luck as a form of manifestation can be a powerful tool in achieving success. However, it should be balanced with a strong work ethic and a willingness to take responsibility for one's actions. By striking this balance, individuals can harness the power of positive thinking and maximize their potential for success.

What are the dangers of the Lucky Girl Syndrome mentality? 

While you may be wondering, are there really any downsides to positive thinking? There are some potential harmful effects of the Lucky Girl Syndrome. Depending on the goal, relying solely on the idea of manifesting luck may create feelings of complacency, leading some individuals to overlook the role of hard work and strategic planning. 

Additionally, this belief may lead some people to blame external factors for their failures or if things don’t turn out the way they planned. For people who are predisposed with struggling with depression, anxiety or negative thinking, this can create a risk of cognitive distortions to influence their thinking. 

Some examples of cognitive distortions include catastrophizing, which may lead to worries escalating to the worst-case scenario. A real life example is someone finding out they didn’t get the dream job they were hoping for, they may jump to the conclusion they will now never get a job and give up on the process. Another example is the cognitive distortion of blaming, which can look like playing the victim and holding others or the universe as responsible for their pain. 

In these cases, relying on manifesting or luck can enter extremely tricky territory. 

Lucky Girl Syndrome & Mental Health Recovery 

Another concern with the Lucky Girl Syndrome mentality is how it may impact those who struggle with mental health issues. Denial can be a common coping mechanism for individuals dealing with mental illness. For instance, they may try to convince themselves that they are okay or that their symptoms will go away on their own, instead of facing the realities of their condition. This defense mechanism can provide temporary relief from anxiety and stress, but it can also become a barrier to accessing appropriate treatment. 

If individuals downplay their symptoms and refuse to face the realities of their condition by relying on the idea that they can ‘wish’ it away, this can create a vicious cycle of symptoms or behaviors worsening. Early intervention whether it is with depression, bipolar disorder, or an eating disorder can lead to an optimized recovery process. 

Eating disorders are particularly of concern as individuals are often convincing themselves they are not that sick, that they can stop whenever they want, or that there isn’t a problem. Or on the other hand, those with eating disorders may tell themselves if they rely on ‘luck’ and disordered behaviors they can reach their goals. This all can put an individual at high risk for both physical health issues and increased difficulty in recovering from disordered behaviors. 

Addressing these issues requires an understanding of their nature, causes, symptoms, and treatment options. Those struggling need access to the right resources and care to help them overcome their struggles. This can include therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes.

It's important to note that each person's recovery process is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Healing requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to seek help. 

Affirmations: The Alternative to Lucky Girl Syndrome 

An effective way to combat negative self-talk or thinking is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves in order to reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs. These can be things like ‘I am strong,’ ‘I am worthy,’ or ‘I deserve to be happy.’ While these may seem simple, they can help transform the way you think and see yourself. These can be a bit more broad and not so situational-based whereas Lucky Girl Syndrome can focus too much on specific outcomes.

To apply the difference to a real life situation, let’s think about the scenario of getting into college. To manifest or to rely on luck may sound like telling yourself ‘I will get into this school’ or ‘I am lucky and will manifest acceptance to this school.’ 

These statements may feel empowering, but there are a lot of factors that go into getting accepted into a school. This includes things like how competitive it is, how many students applied that year and your performance in high school or any previous schooling. 

That is where it may be healthier to tell yourself things like ‘I am smart and capable regardless of this outcome,’ ‘Life does not always go as planned, but I feel prepared for whatever comes my way,’ or ‘I am proud of my hard work and excited for my future.’ These statements reaffirm the positives: you are smart and worthy, you will figure out the next step if it doesn’t go as exactly as you hoped, you are still excited for your future and the opportunities that lie ahead. This can help cope in advance with potential changes to your ideal plan without it turning into blaming yourself, others or the universe. Using affirmations can create a strong foundation of positive thoughts about yourself and your life to take the next step with confidence. 

Related: Using Affirmations & Intentions In Eating Disorder Recovery

It is crucial for anyone struggling with negative thoughts to understand that they are not alone and that there is help available. Reaching out for assistance can be intimidating, but it is a brave step towards healing and recovery. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, and it is never too late to start the journey towards inner peace and happiness.

If you or your loved one are struggling with negative thoughts related to disordered eating or body image, learn more about programs at Central Coast Treatment Center or reach out to us today. 

Ai Pono